An anesthesiologist at a California hospital pasted stickers simulating a mustache and teardrops on the face of a hospital employee while she was having surgery on a finger.
According to the LA Times, the doctor said, “I thought she would think this is funny and she would appreciate it.”
And if that wasn’t bad enough, a “nursing attendant” took a photograph.
The patient, who said she had to quit her job because of the humiliation, is suing the hospital and the physician for this confidentiality breach.
The woman who took the photo said she deleted it after showing it to the patient and didn’t post it anywhere. One version of the story is that she texted the photo to the plaintiff.
Others have testified that they saw the image on Facebook although the hospital said that there is no proof the photo was ever posted online. Multiple news outlets, including the LA Times, have published the photo which was obtained via court documents.