Patented post-cam knee implant technology mimics natural knee kinematics.
Aesculap Implant Systems, LLC, a leading developer of innovative hip and knee implants for Orthopedic surgery, announced today that the United States Patent and Trademark Office issued Patent No. 8491662 for the post-cam mechanism on the Vega System posterior stabilized knee replacement technology. The patented post-cam mechanism recreates natural knee kinematics while greatly reducing surface stress. The new patent will be added to Aesculap’s current orthopedic patent portfolio in addition to advancing the technology of knee implants.
The VEGA System is designed to mimic natural knee kinematics by enabling a physiological pivot around the medial condyle. The distinctive post-cam design facilitates a large range of motion and optimizes surface contact between the femoral component and gliding surfaces. The surface contact between the articulating components maximizes bearing surface stress distribution, reducing the risk of PE wear and PE delamination.
“The driving force behind the post-cam design was to provide consistent contact between the femoral condyles and tibial PE throughout the range of motion in order to reduce peak forces, especially in deep flexion.,” said William Mihalko, MD PhD, J.R. Hyde Chair of Excellence in the Campbell Clinic Department of Orthopaedics and Biomedical Engineering and an inventor of the VEGA System.
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