Aranz Medical (Christchurch, New Zealand) has launched its two new smartphone-based imaging products in a multi-site clinical trial through Promore Pharma and in New Zealand’s Capital and Coast Digital Health Board.
The new imaging apps SilhouetteLite+ and SilhouetteLite are portable and easy-to-use. They deliver accuracy and image consistent and collect measurement and documentation data securely through the company’s cloud database, SilhouetteCentral.
“We design our products with patients and their caregivers at the forefront of our minds,” Bruce Davey, CEO of Aranz Medical, said in a press release. “Silhouette enables healthcare providers to easily transition to rapid quantitative wound assessment. The new Silhouette products make field-based assessments easier and the data accessible at the speed of telemedicine, enabling centralized staff to instantly access data and improve the care of their patients.”
Promore Pharma recently bought 20 SilhouetteLite+ unites for a two-year leg ulcer study.
“The SilhouetteLite+ app and documentation system is easy for us to use across multiple locations. With it, we can ensure that the data we collect at each site is not only consistent and secure, but also easily accessed for analysis and reporting,” Dr. Margit Mahlapuu, chief scientific officer at Promore Pharma, said.
Aranz Medical also launched their imaging products with Capital and Coast Digital Health Board (CCDHB) in New Zealand. The CCDHB bought 44 SilhouetteLite+ units for field nursing staff to track patient wound healing in New Zealand. The apps allow nurses to track healing and use their smartphones to securely image and take notes.