Each year, 300,000 people die of heart failure. For transplant-eligible patients suffering from end-stage biventricular failure, there are only two options for survival: an immediate donor heart transplant or a Total Artificial Heart as a bridge-to-transplant. Recently, SynCardia Systems, Inc., manufacturer of the world’s only FDA-approved Total Artificial Heart, contracted Bimba to help on its newest project.
Bimba was contracted to assist in the development of the 12-lb Freedom™* discharge driver, designed to power the SynCardia temporary CardioWest™ Total Artificial Heart outside the hospital. “We searched for the right subcontractors for each of the components,” said Rodger Ford, SynCardia President and CEO. “We wanted our vendors to understand our passion and we wanted them to be the very best in the business of what they do.”
The Freedom discharge driver is designed to allow stable Total Artificial Heart patients to leave the hospital and enjoy life at home and in their communities. Using a shoulder bag or backpack for transport, the Freedom driver is designed to allow patients to shop, travel, do chores, exercise and enjoy other daily activities while waiting for a matching donor heart for transplant.
Despite growing demand, for the last 20 years, the supply of donor hearts has remained flat, with an average of only 2,200 heart transplants performed in the United States each year. Ford believes about 12,500 patients per year could benefit from the use of the Total Artificial Heart.
SynCardia is another example of why companies on the move choose Bimba as their trusted vendor for motion control.
*The Freedom™ discharge driver is an investigational device, limited by United States and EU law to investigational use.
::Design World::