At the 7th AFM BioMed Conference, Bruker’s Nano Surfaces Division today announced the release of RampScript, which provides extensive new scripting capabilities for the BioScope Resolve BioAFM. BioScope Resolve has set new standards for highest resolution AFM imaging with the first ever images of microvilli on live cells and by routinely resolving submolecular structures, such as the major and minor groove of DNA, while operating on an inverted microscope. With its combination of Bruker’s exclusive PeakForce Tapping and FASTForce Volume technologies, BioScope Resolve already provides the widest range of ramp rates for biomechanics. Adding the most flexible ramp scripting interface available opens the door to new studies probing the dynamics of individual biomolecular bonds and the viscoelasticity of live cells.
“We are excited about the advances in cell mechanobiology that will be enabled by the new ramp scripting capabilities for BioScope Resolve,” said Marco Tortonese, Ph.D., Vice President and General Manager of Bruker’s AFM Instrumentation Business. “Atomic force microscopy can play an even larger role in cell mechanics research when a system has the capability to correlate with the most accurate data to fluorescence. This is why we made it such a priority to add the most comprehensive biomechanics functionality to a system specifically designed for highest resolution on an inverted optical microscope.”