By Mölnlycke Health Care
Sustainability extends well beyond the resources and processes we use in manufacturing; it is instilled into every element of our conduct as a business. Mölnlycke is committed to a sustainable future for our planet and is formed around three core pillars: respect for people and the environment, defence of human rights, and the fight against abuse and corruption. In September this year, we open our new manufacturing facility in Kulim, Malaysia. Following the pandemic, patient demand for surgical procedures has risen. The €50 million investment in Kulim supports our ability to manufacture and deliver our industry leading Biogel® surgical gloves to healthcare systems around the world for decades to come. But in a global environment of limited natural resources and complex global supply chains, it has never been more vital to ensure that these three elements of sustainability are reflected in the development and manufacturing of healthcare products.
Sustainability in the work environment
By 2030, Mölnlycke will have reduced its carbon emissions by 50%. As manufacturing methods and processes have evolved over the decades, it has become increasingly clear that sustainability for people and the environment goes hand in hand. This extends to the built environment in which our colleagues work. Our new facility is designed with the health and well-being of our planet and our people at the top of the agenda. The clear roofing panels and indoor gardens not only reduce our reliance on artificial light and air conditioning, but they also create a positive working environment for our teams, improving well-being and productivity.
Sustainability and our people
Our ambition is to be an exemplar of sustainable manufacturing practices and labor relations. Malaysia is the center of our global glove manufacturing operations, and once fully operational, our new factory will employ 800 people. Ensuring that our employees have fulfilling, long-term employment opportunities sit at the heart of Mölnlycke’s expansion in the country.
Sustainability and the future
As a multinational company and purchaser, we have the power and responsibility to impact both our own processes and those of our suppliers. We will not work with companies that do not share our commitment to improving ethical and social conduct associated with human rights, the workplace and working conditions. Our Supplier Code of Conduct stipulates that our supply partners must meet our standards with human rights, the workplace and working conditions, gender and race equality, fair competition, and anti-bribery and anticorruption.
As a signatory of the UN Global Compact, we take our responsibility as a global business, employer and procurer very seriously. Whether in protecting human rights, supporting progressive labour practices, or eliminating child labour, we know every purchasing decision we make has the power to positively impact the world around us. Our own Code of Conduct is based on international conventions and declarations such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at work, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development and the UN Convention Against Corruption.
As we look to the years ahead, Mölnlycke is committed to become a global leader in sustainable healthcare. There is no one single step we can take to achieve this. Instead, we must ensure that our mindset is one based on integrity – whether in complying with international commitments on climate change, maintaining compliance to ISO Standards, providing our employees with safe, positive environments in which to produce the very best products for our customers, or ensuring we make a positive impact on people around the world. Every element of our new factory cements this commitment for the years ahead.
Sponsored content by Mölnlycke Health Care
Click here for more information about Biogel® Surgical Gloves and Mölnlycke’s Commitment to Sustainability.