C4 Imaging LLC has chosen leading specialty chemicals company Evonik Corporation and its Resource Efficiency segment’s VESTAKEEP PEEK polymer technology in the design of Sirius, a recently developed Positive-Signal Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Marker used during the treatment of prostate cancer.

C4 Imaging develops innovative medical devices that enable clinicians to personalize patient treatment through accurate image-guided procedures.
Brachytherapy, or radioactive seed implantation, is a standard option for the curative treatment of prostate cancer and involves implanting around 100 seeds into the prostate.
The Sirius MRI Marker, which is U.S. Food and Drug Administration 510(k) approved, is used during the treatment of prostate cancer with brachytherapy to facilitate seed localization within the prostate, utilizing a post-implant MRI procedure.
“C4 Imaging’s Sirius MRI Marker is a significant advance for prostate brachytherapy,” said Peter Colburn, Director of HT Polymers at Evonik.
“If the seed placement into the prostate can be detected and defined more effectively it may lead to a better assessment of treatment delivery. This is an example of Evonik’s continuous commitment to innovative technologies and growth within the medical device market.”
“Evonik has proven to be an excellent business partner throughout the development of the Sirius MRI Marker,” said Andrew Bright, President and CEO of C4 Imaging. “Access to Evonik’s industry knowledge and network of experts has proved to be very beneficial.”
C4 Imaging