WASHINGTON, July 1, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — In
response to yesterday’s introduction of S. 1310, the
Dietary Supplement Labeling Act of 2011, by Senator
Richard Durbin (D-IL), the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN),
the leading trade association representing the dietary supplement
industry, issued the following statement.
Statement by Steve Mister, President & CEO, CRN:
“CRN opposes the Dietary Supplement Labeling Act of 2011 because
it is a misguided bill that doesn’t address the concerns raised by
Senator Durbin, but instead creates more bureaucracy for an already
resource-challenged agency and more red tape and costs for industry
while doing nothing to further protect consumers from his concerns.
Instead of urging FDA to use its current enforcement authority to
isolate and punish those companies that are not following the law,
this bill serves to punish all responsible companies with its
overreaching mandates.
“The bill contains duplicative requirements that already exist
under current law that gives FDA the proper legal authority to take
action to protect consumers and maintain safety standards. FDA
needs to continue working toward becoming a more efficient steward
of its resources, and we continuously call on the Agency to use its
power under the law. We urge Senator Durbin to join us in
that effort.
“However, to pile on more work for an underfunded agency already
struggling to accomplish everything currently on its plate is both
counterproductive and unnecessary. Further, in the midst of
an economic downturn and a robust debate on the state of health in
America, Senator Durbin along with many of his colleagues, have
correctly indicated that well-care instead of sick-care is the
direction that America must move towards in seeking to lower
healthcare related expenses and burdens. This legislation only
removes us from that path by placing undue hurdles in f