Verde Technologies announced that New Brighton-based Meridian Behavioral Health, the largest for-profit substance abuse and addiction treatment group in Minnesota, has become its most recent partner in the deactivation and safe disposal of prescription medications including methadone. Meridian is the first behavioral health group to roll out the Deterra Drug Deactivation System to all 17 residential and outpatient facilities as well as one of the area’s largest medication assisted treatment clinics. Meridian selected the Deterra System to provide an environmentally and socially responsible way to safely and easily deactivate and dispose of an estimated 1,100 unused prescription doses of medication every week.
With 35 years of experience in medical and health services, Meridian President and CEO Fran Sauvageau was seeking a better, more economical and environmentally friendly way to solve the tough issue of safe, compliant medication disposal when he heard about Deterra. After a brief pilot program at Meridian’s 50-bed Twin Town facility, Sauvageau and the staff were immediately impressed with the ease of use and effectiveness of Deterra.
“Our Meridian nurses and staff love Deterra, as it’s an easy-to-use and affordable solution to safely disposing large amounts of unused prescription drugs, a difficult issue especially for organizations like ours that are managing hundreds of opioid prescriptions like methadone for addiction treatment. This early success has fueled expansion of the program system-wide to all locations and our teams at the other locations are chomping at the bit to get Deterra after hearing about it,” Sauvageau said. “Introducing Deterra system-wide isn’t just a great decision for us but also for the environment. Verde Technologies is on the cusp of something very big and much needed.”
The Deterra System utilizes patented MAT12 Molecular Adsorption Technology to deactivate unwanted, unneeded opioids, antibiotics, transdermal patches and other prescription drugs, rendering them ineffective for misuse and safe for the environment. The Deterra System features a pouch containing MAT12 a proprietary activated carbon that bonds to pharmaceutical compounds when water is added, rendering drugs ineffective and safe for disposal quickly in any setting – home, clinic or hospital.
“We’re thrilled to work with the top provider of behavioral health services in the state, that’s leading the way in introducing the first system-wide Deterra deactivation and disposal program,” said Jason Sundby, president and CEO of Verde Technologies. “Using Deterra to neutralize and safely dispose of drugs will not only reduce negative impact on the environment but will also help to reduce prescription drug abuse by completely removing unneeded drugs from the system.”
Deterra Partnership Program
To help organizations actively demonstrate social and environmental responsibility, Verde created the Deterra partnership program for companies and advocacy groups, such as manufacturers, health insurers, pharmacies, hospitals and surgery centers, community organizations and police departments. For organizations committed to supporting and implementing solutions to reduce ongoing issues of prescription drug abuse and misuse, the Deterra partnership program provides a cost-effective, environmentally and socially responsible way to quell the urgent issue through distribution of the Deterra System pouches.
Deterra System