PLYMOUTH MEETING, Pa., Oct. 11 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — ECRI
Institute® (, an independent
nonprofit organization that researches the best approaches to
improving patient care, is pleased to announce Kaiser Permanente
(, a leading healthcare
provider and not-for-profit health plan, as the winner of the
5th annual Health Devices Achievement Award for excellence
in health technology management. The Health Devices Achievement
Award recognizes an outstanding initiative undertaken by an
ECRI Institute member healthcare institution that improves patient
safety, reduces costs, or otherwise facilitates better strategic
management of health technology.
Kaiser Permanente’s winning submission describes its
groundbreaking initiatives, the National Total Joint Replacement
Registry (TJRR) and the Cardiac Device Registry (CDR).These are
comprehensive databases covering almost 150,000 joint-replacement
and cardiac implants from regions across the United States. The
registries allow the analysis of implant statistics, including
complications, failures, replacements, usage, and costs. Mining
these data identifies the most effective devices and surgical
techniques, as well as patients who are at risk for re-operations
and surgical complications.
“Our award evaluation committee was extremely impressed with how
many ways the registries can be used to improve quality of care
throughout Kaiser Permanente and at a national and even
international level,” says James P. Keller, Jr., ECRI Institute’s
Vice President for Health Technology Evaluation and Safety.
“Kaiser Permanente’s registries are extremely impactful.
ECRI Institute is pleased to recognize such important work
with our award.”
Kaiser Permanente’s project, 10 years in development, represents
an unprecedented partnership between the surgeons who use implants
and the hospital