The CancerQ team has built and launched a digital dashboard that is catered toward families, patients, and caregivers who are facing, or who have previously faced, cancer.
When a person faces the diagnosis of cancer it can be incredibly hard to make fully educated health-related decisions. With infinite information, rash decisions must be made which can be exhausting and overwhelming. In response, the CancerQ web-based, cancer-fighting dashboard provides individuals with the right tools, information about cancer, support, and connections to other cancer survivors and victims.
The ‘pay-it-forward’ model allows individuals’ research and web searching to be shared with others. The CQ dashboard uses crowdsourcing principles to ensure all resources are informative and useful. Additionally, the dashboard applies advanced analytics to guarantee the right resources are being provided to the right individuals. Rather than navigating through hundreds of documents and sites, the CancerQ dashboard basically sorts through the information and provides the most pertinent resources to an individual’s specific needs.
Eventually, the creators hope this platform becomes even more effective for families, patients, and caregivers, and ensures the dashboard has the greatest impact on exactly what patients need.