Fauske & Associates, LLC has started a branch at Brightlands Chemelot Campus, Sittard-Geleen (NL) by taking over activities formerly carried out by the DSM process safety laboratory. Fauske & Associates, with head office in Chicago, is a process safety engineering firm and testing lab – known as a world leader in nuclear, industrial and chemical process safety.
At the Brightlands campus the American company Fauske & Associates (FAI) continues the activities of DSM in the area of process safety, particularly testing of reactive chemicals and consulting.
ExELect workshops
The FAI acquisition of the DSM activities involved two employees with extensive experience in process scale-up, thermal stability testing and consultancy (including Niemann). This consultancy includes so-called ExELect workshops with explosivity demos. During these workshops many aspects of working with flammable and explosive substances are discussed.
Fauske & Associates
Brightlands Chemelot Campus