Minneapolis, Minn.‚—Minco has a complete line of flexible etch circuits designed to fill the gap between round wiring and printed circuit boards. You‚’ll have virtually unlimited freedom of electronic packaging geometries while retaining the precision density and repeatability of printed circuits.
Different styles of flex circuits offer different advantages and benefits. In addition to simpler, single layer flex circuits, Minco can design and manufacture double layer, multilayer, multilayer with no plated through-holes, rigid flex, Flex-Coils‚â„¢ and integrated flex circuits that incorporate sensors or Thermofoil‚â„¢ flexible heaters.
In addition to a wide number of flex circuit styles, Minco offers many flex circuit design options including rigid-flex hybrid circuits, stiffeners, factory-forming, wave solder carriers, pins, coils, shielding, special electronics populations, selective bonding and integral connectors, heaters and sensors.
Minco‚’s Quality Management System is certified to ISO 9001:2000/AS9100B. Minco flex circuits are proven. Successful installations can be found in the space shuttle engine controls, pacemakers, laser gyros, surgical tools, security detectors, the Trident II missile, and Mark 46 torpedoes. Minco documents, monitors and verifies all processes. Optional testing, cycling and micro-sectioning are available.
A Prototype Flex Circuit Design Kit is also available (http://www.minco.com/products/flex.aspx?id=631). A Flex Circuit Design Guide can be ordered in print or downloaded (http://www.minco.com/contactus/literaturerequest.aspx).
::Design World::