CINCINNATI, June 15 /PRNewswire/ — Healthy
Advice™ Networks, the nation’s leading provider of
points-of-care health-education programs for consumers and
physicians, hosted a panel of their physicians at the recent
eyeforpharma Sales Force Effectiveness Conference held in Princeton, New Jersey. The panel,
consisting of nine primary care physicians, offered direct feedback
to pharmaceutical executives regarding how sales representatives
could more effectively communicate and provide greater value to
physicians and their practices.
The pharmaceutical industry continues to face tremendous
challenges accessing doctors, one of their most important
customers. A recent survey conducted by ZS Associates
reported that the number of physicians who are “rep-accessible,”
defined as meeting with at least 70 percent of sales
representatives, dropped by 18 percent. Additionally, only 58
percent of doctors are now considered rep-friendly, substantially
less than the 71 percent reported in the previous survey. (1)
The physicians spoke candidly about how the practice of medicine
has changed, citing demands on their time as their single biggest
challenge. Yet they also acknowledged their growing need for
timely, relevant information. All nine have the new
Healthy Advice product, PracticeWire™,
installed in their back offices, providing them with real-time
health information all day, everyday. Amassing information from
over 40 respected medical journals and news sources, the
PracticeWire product also provides customized local
information, such as pollen counts or flu outbreaks, brand
information from participating sponsors, and a companion website
for in-depth research.
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