DENVER, July 7 /PRNewswire/ — Invision Sally Jobe is among the first diagnostic
imaging networks in the nation to offer a new breast ultrasound
technology for the early detection of cancer. Screening Breast
Ultrasound (SBU) is a highly effective technology developed to
complement mammography in women with radiologically dense breasts
and other risk factors.
“Screening breast ultrasound is part of our ongoing mission to
provide comprehensive breast care to the community and to save
lives through early detection,” said Lora
D. Barke, D.O., medical director of the Invision Sally Jobe
Breast Network.
The new, FDA-cleared technology is ideal for women who have
dense breast tissue. It can also be used in patients who are at an
elevated risk for breast cancer due to a personal or family history
of the disease.
As an adjunct to mammography, SBU has proven particularly
effective at finding small, deadly cancers in dense-breasted women.
In a recently published study of more than 4,400 women, SBU plus
mammography doubled the number of cancers found compared to
mammography alone.(1)
Unlike traditional ultrasound, SBU is a computer-aided system
equipped with a mechanical arm to aid the technologist in acquiring
images of the breast. Advanced software is then used to create a
video loop of the images for interpretation, giving the radiologist
a unique view of the breast.
Even though SBU is FDA cleared, it typically takes three to five
years after such FDA clearance for procedure codes and insurance
guidelines to be established. The proven benefit of preclinical
breast cancer detection combined with the weight of medical
evidence supporting SBU is powerful enough that Invision Sal