BALTIMORE, Aug. 10, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — RLTV, the only cable
network dedicated to serving the needs of Generation 50+, will air
a special episode of Making Medicare Work for You: Your
Questions, Your Choices on August 15 at 9 p.m. EDT.
The 10,000 boomers who will turn 65 and become eligible for
Medicare every day for the next decade shouldn’t feel bad if
they’re a bit confused. Signing up for Medicare means making
choices, and for many, the process is complicated. RLTV,
always on the vanguard of the issues impacting Americans 50+, is
presenting Making Medicare Work For You: Your Questions, Your
Choices as part of a multi-media approach to making
Medicare understandable. Sponsored by UnitedHealthcare, the
nation’s largest business dedicated to meeting the health and
well-being needs of seniors and other Medicare beneficiaries, the
program will feature host Deborah Norville, a veteran
journalist and the anchor of Inside Edition. Deborah
will be joined by a team of industry insiders from all facets of
the Medicare community to help viewers who are reviewing their
health-care needs and comparing Medicare plans.
For current Medicare beneficiaries and those who are new to
Medicare, this initiative is both timely and critical. Each year,
the Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) provides consumers the
opportunity to review their health-care situation and change health
plans if their current coverage no longer meets their needs.
Because AEP starts earlier this year (Oct. 15-Dec. 7), now is
the time for Medicare beneficiaries to begin thinking about their
health needs and learning about their options so they have the
information they need to make an informed, personalized decision
this fall.
Specially timed to air in advance of AEP, Making Medicare
Work For You: Your Questions, Your Choices is a
forum for real people making real decisions that will