Maquet Medical Systems USA, A Getinge Group Company, is celebrating 20 years of endoscopic vessel harvesting (EVH), which was pioneered in 1996. In this minimally invasive procedure, a healthy blood vessel is taken from the leg or forearm of a patient through a single, small incision and used to bypass a blockage in the patient’s heart during coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG, or “bypass surgery”).
For the past two decades, Maquet has been at the forefront of EVH technology, engineering nearly a dozen advances and new product generations in partnership with clinicians to make the procedure easier, faster, and more protective of the harvested blood vessel—ultimately leading to better patient outcomes. The Company will be showcasing its HEMOPRO2 EVH technology at its exhibit booth at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS), which is taking place from Jan. 23 to 27, 2016 in Phoenix.
Studies have shown that EVH is associated with fewer leg wound complications and infections,i reduced hospital length of stay,ii,iii reduced post-operative painii,iv,v and lower rates of hospital readmission and outpatient office visitsvi than the conventional open vein harvesting technique, which uses a long incision along the leg.
Manquet Medical Systems