NEW ORLEANS, April 4, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — Medstreaming, a
leading provider of medical IT solutions, announced today the
launch of a fully integrated Cardiovascular PACS and certified EMR
with a web-based Cardiovascular Electronic Whiteboard.
With the introduction of these components to its
Cardiovascular Information System (CVIS) platform, Medstreaming is
the first in the market to offer a FDA-cleared PACS and EMR
certified for meaningful use. The announcement was made here
at the 60th Annual Scientific Session of the American College of
Cardiology, (ACC), April 2-5.
Medstreaming, which recently received Complete EHR Ambulatory
certification for its Medical Office EMR, also announced the first
installation of the Enterprise Electronic Whiteboard for ProHealth
Care in Southeastern WI. ProHealth Care is implementing the
Medstreaming Electronic Whiteboard to manage real time scheduling
of patient workflow in its cardiovascular diagnostic and
interventional areas.
“We are very excited to use the Medstreaming Electronic
Whiteboard, which we believe will allow us to more efficiently
coordinate workflow and communication across our system by
graphically displaying scheduling of our CV patients, procedures,
staff, and physicians. These efficiencies will also reduce
operating costs,” said Todd Anderson, Manager of Cardiovascular
Interventional Services at ProHealth Care.
Providing a real-time patient management tool for cardiovascular
staff to improve their procedural workflow, the Electronic
Whiteboard fully integrates with the EMR components within the
hospital enterprise. In addition to capturing associated
information pertaining to the clinical exam details and priority,
resource details such as location, equipment, staff, can also be
captured, with conflict detection mechanisms in place as needed.
The web-based user interface allows multiple customizable
views, including views tha