MicroCare Medical, the industry’s leading supplier of advanced cleaners, coatings and lubricants for medical devices, will use MD&M West Expo in Anaheim, Calif. as the platform in which to highlight its new cleaning chemistry, Tergo Metal Cleaning Fluid.
The new Tergo Metal Cleaning Fluid is a highly effective double-duty cleaner, easily degreasing metal parts and defluxing circuit boards. It is designed to replace hydrocarbon degreasers, plus nPB, TCE, PFCs and other old-style solvents. It is one of the strongest vapor degreasing fluids on the market (high kb value) yet it is compatible with most materials of construction including metals, ceramics, most durable plastics and elastomers. This rugged formula can be used in the aerospace, automotive, medical, extraction and industrial sectors.
The secret to this new product is the non-flammable chemistry specifically engineered to enhance degreasing applications. This fluid also does not require chemical stabilizers or scavengers to prevent it from breaking down in the presence of water or white metals. The unique, patent-pending mix of chemistries enables simpler, faster, better and less expensive cleaning while meeting stringent environmental and worker safety regulations.
“Medical devices are manufactured in a controlled environment subject to stringent regulations and validation safeguards,” noted Jay Tourigny, senior vice president for MicroCare. “The new Tergo fluid enables fast, thorough and consistent cleaning of intricate designs in that controlled environment without the bio burden problems and complexities associated with water cleaning. It’s a win-win, for everybody.”
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