JACKSONVILLE, Fla.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Feb 21, 2013–MSC Care Management, a One Call Care Management (OCCM) company, today announced that it has entered a strategic partnership with Game Ready®, the leader in injury treatment and post-operative recovery through active compression and cold technology, to develop and launch a new wrap for traumatic below-the-knee amputee patients.
Will Smith, Executive Vice President, Care Management Services at MSC, commented: “This go-to-market collaborative effort with Game Ready is an example of how MSC Care Management brings together best-in-class solutions, expertise, and products to transform the way injured workers receive care, from the point of injury to recovery. We are committed to providing a reliable connection to care that broadly impacts the claims lifecycle to enable more efficient claims resolution.” Craig Grabell, President and CEO at Game Ready, commented: “MSC Care Management has an extensive network of insurance companies, payers, and medical providers who are dedicated to helping patients receive the highest quality of care and achieve the best-possible outcomes for their injuries. Now, these organizations, medical providers, and their patients can benefit from the Game Ready technology that is extensively used to aid in the recovery of world-class athletes, professional sports teams, and top military organizations.” The new Game Ready traumatic amputee wrap incorporates technology that NASA used in the design of astronaut spacesuits. This best-in-class orthopedic medical device will aid in post-operative recovery of patients with below-the-knee amputations.
Controlling inflammation and swelling after surgery can allow the body to heal faster. However, conventional techniques, such as ice bags and cold packs, provide inconsistent and uncontrolled temperatures as well as poor coverage of the injured area. Traditional bandage wraps lack precise application of pressure.
Game Ready’s ACCEL™ technology combines active compression and cold therapies that help minimize pain and swelling while increasing blood flow and delivering oxygen to the injured area. As a result, lymphatic drainage is optimized, cellular oxygen supply is encouraged, and tissue healing is stimulated.
Recent studies have demonstrated that the Game Ready wraps result in less post-operative interventions, improved pain relief, and lower likelihood that patients will develop a dependence on narcotics. Patients are also recovering at a 30-50% faster rate, leading to a faster return to work and reduced time spent on modified duty.
About One Call Care Management
Based in Parsippany, NJ, One Call Care Management (OCCM) is the nation’s leading partner in providing specialized services that lead to faster, more efficient and more cost-effective resolution of claims. From high-end diagnostic procedures, to post-discharge and home care management, to transportation and language services, to superior dental programs and other medical specialties, OCCM provides reliable, consistent connections to care and improved outcomes. With rapid scheduling of services, clinical oversight, coordination, and delivery of medical reports, no other partner gives you the depth of support and service excellence that OCCM provides. A team of experts is always ready to connect you to a broad spectrum of qualified providers and specialized services. For more information, visit www.onecallcm.com and www.yourmsc.com.
About Game Ready
Game Ready® (CoolSystems, Inc.) is a best-in-class sports medicine and orthopedic medical device that helps athletes and patients speed recovery from injury or orthopedic surgery. The system uses ACCEL™ technology to set a new standard in recovery, synergistically combining active compression and cold therapies in a revolutionary treatment system that gives healthcare providers the power to accelerate the body’s natural repair mechanisms. Game Ready is so effective, it can be found in the training rooms of virtually every professional sports team in the US, as well as the most elite orthopedic and physical therapy clinics around the world.