The latest science published this month demonstrates how a revolutionary non-invasive brain treatment invokes a powerful restorative impact on traumatic brain injury (TBI).
This new science harnesses the power of light: near-infrared light. High-powered or multi-watt coherent infrared light, or “neuro-laser” safely reaches into the brain and activates numerous brain reparative processes, including the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor: the brain’s own repair system.
Theodore Henderson, MD, authored the study, “Multi-watt near-infrared light therapy as a neuroregenerative treatment for traumatic brain injury,” which was published May 3, 2016 in the Neural Regeneration Research, and is cited in the National Library of Congress.
“Only multi-watt neuro-laser has sufficient energy to penetrate skin and skull, reaching the deep parts of the brain where injuries are, with no irritation to the skin or other side effects,” said Henderson. “The patients are responding positively, and our data is consistently showing robust responses. This treatment is really helping turn lives around. The stories we’re hearing are amazing.”
The new treatment is spearheaded by Henderson and Dr. Larry Morries, a co-founder of the Neuro-Laser Foundation. They are on the forefront of studying the effectiveness of treating TBI patients with a specialized method referred to as “NILT.”
With millions of TBI survivors and various other possible applications for NILT, this is one of the hottest topics in neuro-science. Their recent work has also revealed NILT may have promise for treating depression.
Former police officer Jennifer Fortezzo is one example. After retiring from the police force due to injury, the after-effects of numerous traumatic brain injuries began taking a serious toll on her life. Beleaguered with daily suicidal thoughts, she sought solutions to what is largely considered to be an “untreatable” condition.
She began NILT treatments with Henderson in March. Just a few months later, Fortezzo has joined the “Say Goodbye TBI” campaign and said, “It’s been very freeing for me. I felt for so many years like I was in bondage. And this is the first time I feel free.”
The study also highlighted that the required equipment and low number of applications shown to be effective point to potential for wide dissemination, as it has also been found to be safe in the hands of properly trained professionals. The method, currently in the patent process, uses unique infrared laser instruments developed to Morries and Henderson’s specifications.
Neuro-Laser Foundation