CLEVELAND, Feb. 17, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — The healthcare industry
has been buzzing about how it can best manage patient information
electronically. It’s quickly become clear that the bigger picture
here is system interoperability – how healthcare IT systems
interact and share that patient information. As a result,
healthcare organizations are learning that having one enterprise
content management (ECM) solution to centralize content across
departments – and easily talk to other systems – is a
foundational component for interoperability. Proving that it
qualifies to meet these needs, Hyland Software’s OnBase solution
successfully participated in the recent Integrating the Healthcare
Enterprise (IHE) Connectathon.
“In the healthcare market, the hot topic has been how patient
data from an
electronic medical record (EMR) can be integrated with the
content that it can’t accommodate – physician notes, EKGs,
etc.,” said Susan deCathelineau, healthcare solutions manager for
Hyland Software. “But that’s just the first step to creating a
complete, longitudinal patient record. The next step is system
“Our conversations with healthcare organizations have indicated
that this next phase isn’t far away. Sooner than later, they will
want an ECM solution that’s interoperable with any number of healthcare solutions.
And, rightfully so – having interoperable systems is vital to
providing the best patient care. As a result, it’s something that
all healthcare organizations should expect from their ECM
With the goal of achieving optimal patient care, IHE is an
initiative that strives to improve how systems in a healthcare
organization share information. According to IHE, systems developed
in accordance wit