VIVY is the world’s first consumer pain management product that uses the deep tissue heating and healing properties of diathermy.
ReGear Life Sciences LLC recently launched an Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign around VIVY – its newest pain relief wearable and the first consumer product of its kind to utilize diathermy for deep tissue heating and metabolic effects that can promote healing. VIVY is an easy-to-use, form-fitting belt that relieves pain, eases muscle tension, improves joint mobility, and uses time-tested therapeutic deep heating processes to speed healing of tissue injuries.
Consumers wishing to learn more about VIVY or contribute to its campaign can visit: www.indiegogo.com/projects/vivy-reclaim-your-life-from-pain/ or www.VIVYHeals.com.
For decades, deep tissue heating with shortwave diathermy has been a core solution for treating pain and promoting faster healing in physical therapy and rehabilitation clinics. It has been the standard of thermotherapy for the U.S. Navy Seals, as well as for many professional and collegiate sports teams. With its patented technology, ReGear Life Sciences has been an innovator in creating portable diathermy systems for use in these professional settings.
Currently VIVY is an investigational device and is not yet available for sale.
VIVY will also make pain management smarter, easier, and more convenient through a companion smartphone app that can schedule treatments, track results after each therapy session, and provide helpful information and tips.
Funds raised through the Indiegogo campaign will be used to prepare the prototype for manufacturing and to complete the regulatory process.
For more information, please visit www.VIVYheals.com or www.indiegogo.com/projects/vivy-reclaim-your-life-from-pain#/
ReGear Life Sciences LLC