NEW YORK, May 31, 2011 /PRNewswire/ —
announces that a new market research report is available in its
The Future of In Vitro and In Vivo Diagnostic Integration
The term in-vitro/in-vivo diagnostics (IV2D) describes the
integration of molecular diagnostics with radiology and pathology
(imaging), as well as new software and IT platforms. The aims of
this integration are to improve patient care. This report provides
an overview of current developments in integrated medical
diagnostics, covering the emergence of new IV2D methods that
combine IVD with current and developing imaging platforms. The
drivers of this integration are reviewed including new disease
biomarkers, single, combined and emerging imaging systems, as well
as IT and patient-centred systems.
Scope of this research
• Assess the key technologies that will enable in vivo, in
vitro diagnostic integration.
• Understand how IVD methods, biomarkers and imaging
methods have been applied to challenges of diagnosis in breast
cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.
• Discover how centres of expertise, such as academic
departments, are driving new discoveries and offering valuable
alliances to diagnostic companies.
• Understand the factors that are driving healthcare
providers to develop improved healthcare programmes through
integration in medical diagnostics.
Research and anal