BURLINGTON, Mass., April 28, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — Rhythmia
Medical Inc., announced today that key results from its ongoing
pre-clinical and clinical studies will be presented at the 2011
Annual Scientific Session of the Heart Rhythm Society in San
Francisco, CA. The results will highlight the performance of
Rhythmia Medical’s mapping system, a technological breakthrough
that can significantly improve cardiac ablation procedures by
generating high resolution electroanatomical maps faster, simpler
and more accurately.
The following presentations are planned:
“New System for Rapid, High-Resolution Automated Mapping in
Patients with Macroreentrant Atrial Tachycardia/Flutter”
Dr. Hiroshi Nakagawa, Director of the Clinical Catheter Ablation
Program and Translational Electrophysiology at the University of
Oklahoma , will present the initial results from the first in man
clinical trial using the system for mapping macroreentrant atrial
tachycardia and atrial flutter in the session “New Technologies
Facilitating Successful Catheter Ablation” on Thursday, May 5, 1:30
– 3:00 p.m. in Moscone West room 2002.
Dr. Nakagawa will present results from initial investigational
studies performed with the cooperation of Professor Josef Kautzner
and his team at the Institute for Clinical and Experimental
Medicine (IKEM) in Prague. The study included patients with
Atrial Fibrillation, Atrial Tachycardia and Atrial Flutter.
“New System for Rapid, High-Resolution Automated
Electroanatomical Mapping: Evaluation in a Canine Atrial Incision
Dr. Hiroshi Nakagawa will present the poster for this pre-clinical
study in canines demonstrating the potential of the system to
rapidly identify areas of conduction block in the right atrium
after linear lesions are created surgically and by ablation. This
poster session will be featured on Thursday, May 5, 9:00 AM -12:00
PM. The presentation will show the