INDIANAPOLIS, April 18, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — Roche (SIX: RO,
ROG; OTCQX: RHHBY) announced today that it has introduced a new
Electronic Medical Record (EMR) interface for the U.S. Department
of Veterans Affairs (VA) that helps VA healthcare facilities
improve their efficiency and accuracy by transmitting patient
diabetes management data directly into the VistA computerized
patient record system (CPRS).
The new JResultNet™ middleware module from Dawning
Technologies Inc. enables VA providers to transfer patient blood
glucose test results automatically and securely to their EMR from
the ACCU-CHEK® 360 Diabetes Management System, a tool designed
to help physicians and patients manage diabetes in an outpatient
setting. Dawning is a leading supplier of connectivity solutions to
the clinical laboratory market.
“This integration package allows any provider within the VA’s
healthcare system to access a patient’s glucose test results, and
it offers them a much easier, more accurate way to capture the
information and deliver it to the patient’s EMR,” said Keith
Snyder, director of marketing at Roche Diagnostics Corporation. “It
has already been successfully implemented at several VA sites, and
is contributing to improved efficiency levels.”
The JResultNet middleware module delivers test results from the
ACCU-CHEK 360 system to the VistA system as an HL7-based TIU (text
integration utility) connection – a standard component of the
VistA system. The enhanced connectivity helps reduce the potential
for errors and helps increase workflow efficiency for the
healthcare provider.
About Diabetes and the VADiabetes impacts over 20 percent of
VA patients, representing more than 1 million veterans at any given
time, and that number continues to rise. The cost of treating
complications from diabetes is significant, with one
diabetes-related heart attack estimated to cost over $14,000.
The VA’s diabetes programs are focused on reduc