DALLAS, May 23, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — Texas Instruments
Incorporated (TI) (NYSE:
TXN) today introduced the first quad-channel, 16-bit
analog-to-digital converter (ADC) for medical imaging applications,
such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The ADS5263 meets
designers’ needs for clear, crisp signals and faster acquisition
times by delivering a high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 84.6 dBFS
with 10-MHz input and a sampling frequency of up to 100 MSPS.
Along with high performance, the quad-channel architecture, low
power consumption of 380 mW/channel and small footprint of the
ADS5263 allow engineers to design smaller, more compact medical
imaging systems than were previously possible with existing single-
or dual-channel devices. A non-magnetic package option allows for
use in a strong magnetic field, such as in MRI machines [view video]. For
information, samples and EVMs: www.ti.com/ads5263-pr
“Medical imaging systems like MRI machines typically require
numerous high-performance electronics to achieve the clear,
high-contrast images that doctors use for early detection of
diseases. The large machines often involve a lengthy scan process,
during which the patient is required to lie completely still,” said
Steve Anderson, senior vice president of TI’s High Performance
Analog business unit. “Taking advantage of both our data converter
expertise and our long-standing experience in medical imaging
applications, manufacturers can use the performance and compact
footprint of the ADS5263 to deliver smaller, faster equipment with
outstanding image quality for more efficient scans and increased
patient comfort.”
Key features and benefits:
- 14- and 16-bit resolution modes allow designers to switch
between low-power and high-speed, high-re‘/>”/>