Dabir surgical systems are designed for patients undergoing procedures exceeding two hours to prevent pressure injury. (Image from Dabir Surfaces)
Dabir Surfaces (Harwood Heights, Ill.) announced this week that it has landed a new contract with group-purchasing firm Premier.
The three-year contract with Premier, effective August 1, 2021, covers OR products only. It involves operating room patient-positioning products for those at risk of developing pressure injuries in perioperative care.
The contract offers the purchasing company’s members access to negotiated pricing and terms for the Dabir Surfaces’ products.
Although there has been progress in reducing pressure injuries in acute-care settings, the condition persists, according to Dabir Surfaces president Anil Shetty. The company’s products are designed to provide periodic pressure off-loading to promote healthy tissue perfusion and benefit patients with various conditions.
“We know from our customers that oncology patients, many with poor nutritional status, patients undergoing flaps procedure, transplant patients, cardiovascular and cardiothoracic patients, among others, have all benefited from our innovative technology,” Shetty said in a news release. “These outcomes are consistent with a peer-reviewed article that showed the Dabir surgical system reduced the hospital-acquired pressure injury rate from 6% to 0% in neurosurgery patients.”