The MiniVac Gas Evacuation Unit from Hugo Sachs Elektronik provides an ideal way to safely scavenge gas anesthesia used in small animal surgical procedures. The MiniVac can be used in conjunction with either the Fluosorber or the F/air filter canisters.
Alternatively, it can be integrated directly to the main exhaust of the building. The MiniVac can easily be interfaced with a wide variety of inhalation anesthetic delivery options including nose cones, induction boxes, ventilators and stereotaxic devices. The adjustable speed allows the user to control the flow and adjust it to the needs of their particular set up.
Key features of the MiniVac Gas Evacuation Unit are:
- Adjustable flow,
- Small footprint,
- Easy to use,
- Versatility in set up and
- Compatible with multiple filter canisters options.
Hugo Sachs Elektronik