Spectrum Instrumentation (Grosshansdorf, Germany) announced today that it is providing driver support for the Nvidia Clara AGX computing architecture, meant to support next-gen AI medical instruments.
Scientists and developers can pick from 64 different Spectrum digitizers, arbitrary waveform generators (AWGs) and digital I/O cards. The drivers enable the Nvidia Clara AGX kit perform high-speed electronic signal acquisition and generation for analog and digital signals.
The variety of cards means that medtech developers can exactly match their electronic signal requirements, according to Spectrum Instrumentation.
The Nvidia Clara AGX developer kit is supposed to provide an easy platform to develop software-defined, AI-enabled, real-time, point-of-care medical devices.
Said Spectrum Instrumentation: “Adding a Spectrum card to the Clara system allows sensor signals to be acquired, generated, stored and processed. Data can be streamed between the cards, the processor and the GPU. In fact, the high-speed parallel processing capabilities of the GPU make it the perfect platform for handling the large volumes of data that can be acquired and generated by the Spectrum products. Spectrum already offers SCAPP (Spectrum’s CUDA Access for Parallel Processing) to make GPU-based data processing easily achievable, even at the fastest streaming rates.