system suffers from a glaring, persistent need to protect patients from unsafe
IV infusions. Contaminated IV lines result in unnecessary patient injuries and death,
and cost hospitals billions of dollars annually. To address this crisis,
Catheter Connections® introduces the DualCap System™, a family of user-friendly
products designed to significantly reduce microbial contamination associated
with IV catheter-related blood stream infections. The United States Patent and
Trademark Office recently issued Notices of Allowance for patent applications
that broadly cover the Companys IV disinfection technology.
Landmark clinical evidence shows that the IV tubing end
connector (a “male luer” connector) is susceptible to microbial contamination
and routinely causes cross-contamination between IV connectors. Studies also confirm that biofilm, which is responsible for
the majority of blood stream infections, forms on these connectors and that a
contaminated connector will transfer microbes into a patients IV catheter. The
Company is now selling the DualCap System, a product family that includes DualCap®,
the only FDA-cleared device for disinfection and protection of both the IV
catheter needleless luer access valve and the male luer connector.
In addition to DualCap, the system includes two devices:
DualCap Duo™ and DualCap Solo™. DualCap Duo is a sterile, single-use device
containing two disinfecting caps – both for use on frequently accessed luer
access valves. It is the only device with two disinfectant caps for luer access
valves conveniently located in one sterile package. DualCap Solo™ is a sterile,
single disinfecting cap for use on luer access valves. The DualCap System
combines efficacy and simplicity, arming clinicians with a complete set of
easy-to-use and safe devices.
IV Catheter-Related Blood Stream Infections
Each year more than 500,000 patients in U.S. hospitals suffer from IV
catheter-related blood stream infections and up to one in four patients die.
Due to the preventability of these infections, insurers no longer reimburse
hospitals for treating them, costing hospitals up to $11 billion annually;
hospitals lose an average of $47,000 per infection.
This means that the traditional method of disinfecting IV
access valves using an alcohol swab to scrub the valve surface, currently in
place at the majority of U.S.
hospitals, is insufficient. This method does not disinfect the male luer
connector, and even if access valves are scrubbed the variability in scrubbing
technique among clinicians leads to inconsistent valve disinfection. The
DualCap System is the only integrated solution that addresses these
“We understand the profound sense of personal accountability
that clinicians feel about delivering safe care to patients. Because current
partial solutions fail, Catheter Connections designed the DualCap System to
help healthcare professionals address safety gaps in IV delivery methods and
prevent potentially deadly infections. We want to save lives,” said Vicki
Farrar, Esq., CEO of Catheter Connections. “Many healthcare professionals are
unaware that simply disinfecting the access valve of the patients IV catheter
is not enough to protect the patient from contamination. The new DualCap System
delivers the right devices at the right time for clinicians to make the right
choice when managing patients IV lines.”
About Catheter Connections
Headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, Catheter Connections®, Inc., develops
and commercializes innovative vascular access products designed to protect
patients from acquiring infections during intravenous infusion therapy. Its
DualCap System™ is a family of user-friendly products that provides healthcare
facilities with a cost-effective, integrated solution for IV disinfection and
protection, helping in the fight against IV catheter-related blood stream
infections. Designed by infusion nurses, flagship product DualCap® safely
disinfects both IV tubing end connectors and IV catheter access valves – a
major breakthrough for infection control. For more information, visit