Google sure is on the cutting-edge when it comes to technology that improves your health, but a recent “announcement” regarding their Life Science division’s new project could completely change the way its products are tested. In short, Google’s building the “Flange,” a prosthetic appendage on which to attach all of their latest gadgets.
No more will you have to worry about running out of space on your body to proudly display all of your fancy new Google tech. The artificial skin appendage attaches firmly between the shoulder blades, and no surgical procedures are required to secure the device – it comes equipped with a strap for relative comfort. It has already come under fire for a slew of medical issues, which Google will surely work closely with the FDA to mitigate.
If you were worried about not spending enough money on Google products, the Flange is an excellent solution. And since you could potentially attach them to any part of your body, you needn’t stop at just one!
…and it’s not even April Fool’s Day yet. Thanks, Onion!