VuCOMP, Inc. today announced that M-Vu CAD (computer-aided detection), is now included as a companion technology of the FUJIFILM Aspire™ HD Plus and Aspire HD Digital Mammography systems, as well as Fujifilm’s CR products. This makes M-Vu CAD immediately available through Fujifilm’s U.S. distribution network.
Jeff Wehnes, President and CEO of VuCOMP, said, “Fujifilm’s extensive market reach significantly increases the availability of our M-Vu CAD system. This helps us to fulfill our company’s mission to help radiologists find cancer sooner by providing them with the most advanced detection tools possible.” M-Vu CAD uses advanced computer vision algorithms to identify areas in mammograms consistent with breast cancer. It is the first mammography CAD product to have met the FDA-recommended standards for proven effectiveness.