For each issue, Surgical Products relies on its readers to share what innovations and technology they’re interested in. These last couple months have been full of developments and exploration in the surgical industry, and readers were curious to know more about one product in particular – Cooper Surgical’s Plume Away smoke evacuation system.
The Plume-Away multistage filter is a passive, disposable system able to clear particulates, smoke, and aerosolized pathogens while simultaneously absorbing odors and chemical toxins. It functions without a vacuum pump, ensuring greater visibility to the surgical field.
It is connected at a single point on the trocar side port and does not need additional tubing. Consistent CO2 input elevates intraperitoneal pressure to support the removal of surgical smoke and aerosolized particles through the filter.
To learn more about the system, Surgical Products connected with Jeanie Fusco, manager of marketing services at Cooper Surgical.
What are common concerns surgical teams have when they learn about smoke evacuation systems?
Surgical teams are concerned about altering the pace of the procedure along with any change to the surgeons technique. Plume-Away facilities the effective removal of surgical smoke with no impact to the surgery and the surgical team.
What will surgical teams notice when they use this system?
Surgical teams will notice the effective clearance of surgical smoke allowing better visibility for the surgeon and a safer surgical field for the staff with the elimination of exposure to the hazards of surgical smoke.
What makes Cooper Surgical’s Plume-Away technology unique to other some evacuation systems on the market?
It is a totally passive device that does not need any adjustments during the procedure. After securing to a trocar, it does not need to be attached to a suction canister with no interference on the surgical field.
For more information about this tool, visit: